The Mustard Moment

Two weeks ago, one of our patients died after a year-long battle with cholangiocarcinoma.  She was only 50 years old and left behind her husband of 25 years and her 2 teenage daughters. Yesterday, I called her husband to check in and see how he was doing now that...

Thanks for the Life Force.

Tragedy happens every day.  It happens on an individual level.  Someone is diagnosed with a terminal cancer and has no insurance coverage.  It happens on a community level.  A family's home is burned to the ground and though there is no loss of...

Do You Think It’s Too Soon?

If you're breathing, chances are that at some point, you've experienced loss in your life.  That loss could have been a pet, a loved one, a partner or spouse, or heck, maybe even a car.  And with loss, comes grief, and mourning, and yes, eventually,...

When the Heart Takes Over for the Mind

I was talking with a friend who recently lost her 85 y/o dad to cancer and she was sharing how his services were and how her mom, who herself is dealing with dementia, has been handling her husband's death. At one point in our conversation, she said,...