Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

May 6th is the ‘official’ start of Nurses’ Week in the U.S.  And each year, the celebration ends on May 12th which is Florence Nightingale’s birthday.  And so it is with each year, I celebrate and honor my fellow nurses for their intellect,...

“Not My Monkeys, Not My Circus”

Through our work with patients at Guardian Nurses, my team and I have interacted with thousands of healthcare professionals over 15 years.  And people being people, we occasionally run into a rotten apple, someone who has a sour attitude or is dismissive or...

Three days in the ICU can wear out a kitty cat.

I have had plenty of hospital admissions of my own as well as friends and loved ones. Coming home and getting in your own bed is one of the best feelings in the world. So why was I surprised when last night, my 16 year old cat, Graycie, climbed out of her carrier,...

Meeting Patients Where They Are

One of the more difficult challenges a nurse (or healthcare professional) faces is to meet a patient where they are.  Not geographically, of course, but emotionally.  I learned this lesson far too young when my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I was just...

Scooter Mania!

I barely ever noticed scooters.  In the mall, in a hospital, in my neighborhood.  Not the youthful scooters that teenagers zip around on, but the big, motorized ‘vehicles’ used by so many disabled adults.  Last week, though, while I was walking along the...

Send In the Clown

Last week, I was accompanying a patient to a specialist visit when, as we were saying goodbye, I told him I had to go to the hospital next door to visit an in-patient.  His response?  “I’ll go with you.” Normally I would have politely, but adamantly...