As nurses, we know how the healthcare system works.
As your nurse advocate, we’ll make it work for you.

Patient Advocacy

People who are sick or injured often feel ill-equipped to deal with the healthcare system. A Nurse Advocate becomes their expert guide and ally, making sure they understand their options and get the best care. Unions and employers can offer advocacy as a benefit. Individuals can engage us hourly.

Mobile Care Coordinator® Program

If you manage a self-funded health plan, you want to help members take care of themselves. Yet some face crisis after crisis due to preventable or manageable health conditions. Our Mobile Care Coordinator (MCC) Program breaks that cycle when a nurse literally shows up during a crisis and forms a bond of trust.

High ROI Makes MCC Program Top Choice for Population Health

A report by an independent research firm shows the return on investment in the Guardian Nurses Mobile Care Coordinator® Program is 3-to-1 for people needing acute care and 4.6-to-1 for people with chronic and/or complex health issues.

Click image to watch video.

View  Research Firm’s Report


Struggling with a healthcare issue? Get peace of mind with Guardian Nurses on your side and by your side every step of the way.

Health & Welfare Funds

Can better healthcare actually cost less? Yes, when Guardian Nurses ensures patients get fast, appropriate treatment and followup.

Brokers & Employers

Would superior health outcomes help your business? Of course! So would immediate cost reductions. Get both with Guardian Nurses.

News & Insights

9.2 28 Hours in ER Limbo

9.2 28 Hours in ER Limbo

When Miriam Rivkin went to the hospital with a detached retina, they discovered another, more urgent problem. Then, failures in communication and chaos in the ER made a bad situation even more frightening.

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9.1 Migraine Relief

9.1 Migraine Relief

When the prescribed therapies to treat Lexi Livanos’ debilitating migraines were no longer effective, her doctors dismissed her concerns. Then, with the help of a nurse advocate and a second opinion, she got her voice and her life back.

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