Louise “Marshelle” Jones, a 62-year-old New Jersey teacher’s aide who survived a stroke in March 2023, has finally gotten a life-improving electric bed thanks to Guardian Nurses, Stryker, and Virtua Health System!
Jennifer White, RN, MSN, of Guardian Nurses Healthcare Advocates, has been working tirelessly to make Louise’s journey through the healthcare system as smooth and beneficial as possible. Still, upon discharge from the hospital, Jones was only given a hard-to-operate crank-style bed despite multiple requests for an electric bed that she could operate herself.
A chance meeting put Nurse White, Guardian Nurses Founder Betty Long RN, MHA, and a representative of medical equipment supplier Stryker in the same room. Always thinking of their patients, the Guardian Nurses colleagues wasted no time making a request directly to him for an electric bed. He wanted to help but explained that his company couldn’t give a bed to someone directly — so he invited Virtua Health System to join in on the good deed, and the three companies collaborated to get Jones the equipment she needed.
This new bed makes Jones’s life better every day. The button-controlled settings give her more independence as she continues to recover. Transferring from the bed to her chair is also safer now.
Check out Matteo Iadoinisi’s moving piece about the joyous moment she received the bed.
According to Nurse White, the 6ABC news story about Jones’ new bed has had a bonus and unexpected effect on Jones’ health. Several former colleagues reached out to her after seeing her on the news and have dropped by for visits. All the catching up she’s been doing with them has been like a form of speech therapy, and she’s speaking more easily every day!