Our healthcare system, a metaphor.

Last night, while I was watching the Phillies vs. Braves game, my 17-year-old nephew called to ask for my help with an assignment for his English class.  He was supposed to write a poem and use a metaphor to describe the topic of his poem. In his case it was...

Angels Do Exist and Miracles Do Happen

I believe in angels and in miracles. Many of my colleagues at Guardian Nurses do, too. While it may not be every day that we are offered proof, when we do—we recognize them and celebrate them. Like the patient who told us how she had been noting a cut on her...

Caregiver Burnout: Preparation and Pitfalls

Taking on the task of care giving can be challenging but rewarding. If you are an adult child who is the primary caregiver for an elderly parent, the best thing you can do is take care of yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself you can’t take care of...

Remember Back Rubs and Showers?

Many years ago, I worked night shift in a critical care unit. After giving patients their medications, completing my nursing assessment, and answering any questions, it was routine to ask "Would you like a back rub before you go to sleep?" If the patient...